Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jalapeno-Spicy Praise

Asking a preacher how he got his sermon topic is as interesting as asking an attorney how he got his line of argument in closing a case. It's all about research. You consider what is going on in your life, the lives of your congregants and search the Bible for a relevant scriptural platform to present your story. Then you begin work, digging into scriptures, and prayerfully asking God that among your audience some will find it beneficial in their situation.

If you are running a thematic sermon campaign, it becomes easier to continue from where you stopped the week before; call it Part B, C, D or as many as you can continue.

Which is why I love the annual dedication of the month of June as our Month of Praise. Every time we meet in the church, Sunday, Wednesday, Night Vigil, all we are doing is dancing and jubilating like one of us just won some $m lottery.

We don't get tired dancing, jumping and stomping. We just get soaked in the spirit-filled euphoria. I finally found a name for our kind of praise, "Jalapeno-Spicy Praise"!

In the month of June, I preached three sermons on Joy: "The JPT Mandate", "For the Joy that is set Before You" and "Joy is not an Alternative". "JPT" is the abbreviation for Joyful, Prayerful and Thankful as Apostle Paul counsels in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Three quick verses of God's will for us: (16 Rejoice evermore. 17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.)

In the middle of jubilation the other Sunday, I perceived the Holy Spirit said to me we should extend our Month of Praise to Three Months, all summer long, June-July-August. The joyous season continues. Even though we are praising God and bringing Him glory, honor and adoration, I have found that it always turns out to be in our favor, as individuals, families and the church body.

God does fearfully in our praise, Exodus 15:11, He inhabits the praises of Israel, Psalm 22:3, praise is a heritage of the redeemed, Isaiah 51:11 and it is a honor strictly reserved for the children of God, Psalm 149:9. What are you waiting for? Join us and dance away your sorrow, sickness, pains and sufferings. God will do fearfully in your situation.

You want to join the "Jalapeno-Spicy" train? Come 10 o'clock on Sunday mornings all July and August at God Is In The House, 2429 University Avenue W, St Paul MN 55114. Need a ride? Call 612-867-8911 and we'll make sure someone picks you up. (You can also visit http://www.godiith.com for directions).

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