Saturday, February 20, 2010


I listened to Tiger Wood yesterday. I was never a great golf fan until his emergence at the top. He became iconic, well loved and respected all over the world.

Judging by my own PR background, I think his PR people did a politically correct "good job". At least in the interim. On the surface I felt like he should be pitied and forgiven. Like a few people have noted, Tiger Woods owes them nothing. He should carry on with his life.

But I am worried for the guy. I wonder where he puts God in all the sexual mess he got himself. I waited patiently throughout the speech, especially when he subbed, to say he was also seeking God to forgive him so that it would be easy for his wife, family and friends that he gathered together to forgive him.

I don't know if God's forgiveness is included in his rehab program either. I pray it is.

I am a Christian believer, in fact, a preacher. So you know where I am coming from. I have my fears that Tiger Wood may be on the way down altogether if God is not involved in his rehab. King David, a man familiar with sexual errors and murder, wrote Psalm 91 to show individuals who err to find a simple way to seek God's forgiveness.

But I am praying that Tiger Wood's PR people and therapists will guide him in the right direction to make their work fruitful at the end. I am reminding them of David's word in Psalm 32:1-2 which says:

"Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be— you get a fresh start, your slate's wiped clean. Count yourself lucky — God holds nothing against you and you're holding nothing back from him." (Message Bible Version)

We may give him a fresh opportunity but unless God does it, he unfortunately remains in sin in the court of heaven. I pray that he does a simple thing, both in private and public: to ask that God forgive him and that he seeks God's help to appease Elin for a truly fresh start.

As Jesus Christ warned, "Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven."(Matthew 10:32-33, NLT).

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